Thursday, April 15, 2010

When The Sun Goes Down...

Sun is setting, windows down, country music playing.... thinking of that country boy and his big white truck....... a.m.a.z.i.n.g

Have you ever had that moment when you met someone and that person actually "effects" you, actually "moves" you to "want" to be a better person. Someone who see's you for all that you are and understands how special, worthy and unique you are, and that alone... just being yourself is a turn on to him... How would that affect you? I have come to realize you truly cannot judge one's decisions if you haven't been in that exact same circumstance. More than likely we cannot fully understand why one may choose to do this or that, regardless of the choice, what matters is that they are making a choice for themselves and choosing their own happiness.
Happiness comes in all shapes and forms, it happens during circumstances and drama, Happiness is unpredictable.
I have been dealing with this "feeling" for a few months and it is
the most remarkable feeling of real love I have ever experienced in my life.

Things don't always happen when we want them to, and I know that I am on God's time. When timing is off, does that mean that the relationship is "not meant to be" ? Did God put that person in your life solely for a reason without making memories together? I ask myself this & how should a person go about the amount of time they invest in someone during a circumstance or a situation that has a outcome that is "unknown".

I am very analytical so the only way I can mentally & emotionally do this is because I feel something. Sometimes you just know but how much is too much? Time isn't always on your side..... but in time I believe in following my heart and trusting my faith in Christ.

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